Our Most Read Posts of 2019

2019 has been a mashup of change for podcasts and smart speakers. Focus on either one and the velocity is head spinning. Track them both, as we do, and it can make your brain hurt a bit.

The new year for Amplifi kicks off at CES in Las Vegas. We will digging in on all things podcast and voice. The following week, off to Chattanooga where I will be speaking at Project Voice, a conference only in its second year and yet with some 3,000 people in attendance, exploring voice and smart speakers.

Before we roll in to 2020, here is a quick look back at our six most-read Blogstein posts of 2019.

Thanks for reading this blog during the year. I hope it brings fresh viewpoints and angles.

Happy New Year.

If you are reading this post via our email, click here to see a summary of the posts.


8 Reality Checks From CES


Podcast listening on smart speakers is less than 1%, but things are looking up