For the 83% That Don't Know How to Listen to a Podcast

Yesterday, CBS Sunday Morning did a segment about the growth of podcasting. Podcast Pandemonium was reported by David Pogue, who always pulls together a thoughtful piece.

Pogue’s segment was followed by CBS Sunday Morning correspondent Mo Rocca introducing his new podcast “Mobituaries.”

And then, my favorite part.

Host Jane Pauley asks Rocca, “How do you listen to a podcast?” Mo turns to the camera and launches into a wonderfully clear and concise description about how to find and listen to his podcast, complete with video.

The explanation was also posted to Twitter, where it has received over 8 thousand views. Twitter post here

83% of Americans don’t listen to podcasts and according to Edison Research, 48% of those people are not sure how to listen.

Educating people how to listen remains a critical ingredient in expanding the podcast universe.

Bravo CBS and Mo Rocca.

I’m looking forward to speaking at the BSM Sports Summit in LA talking about podcasting and smart speakers.


Finding Your Voice


Podcasting and Smart Speaker Notes from CES - and a smart toilet