Things Apple's iPhone Helped Destroy

Apple introduced its new iPhones yesterday including the iPhone X. On this 10th anniversary it's worth pausing for a moment to appreciate the tectonic change smartphones have made in our lives.  We now text, map, app, take selfies, talk to Siri, Shazam songs, run our calendars, listen to streamed audio, etc. - all on one extraordinary device. 

It is hard to believe that when I picked up my first iPhone in 2007, there wasn't even an app store.  At the time, getting weather and stocks instantly seemed remarkable.

In the same 10 year span, smartphones have been the catalyst to a huge path of business destruction - think Kodak and taxis.  

The New York Times has put together a tongue-in-cheek look at some of the wreckage.  And it all starts with a device that was ubiquitous to the success of the radio business, which is now mighty hard to find.  Watch the video below. More from the NY TIMES.

And oh yes; some things it did not destroy - it put rocket fuel into podcasting with a little purple app.


The New Radios


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