Another Form of Downloadable Audio That is Blowing Up

Photo: WSJ

The digital revolution has not only increased awareness and use of podcasts, but another form of downloadable media - the audiobook.  The Wall Street Journal reports sales are up 21% in the U.S. and Canada according to the Audio Publishers Association and largely for the same reason as the rise of podcasts - the smartphone.  "People listen to audiobooks while traveling, exercising, gardening and relaxing at home."  The Journal reports "thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and changes in consumer behavior, audiobooks have become the fastest-growing format in the publishing business.  In response, publishers are dramatically expanding their offerings."

Indeed publishers are rushing to capitalize on the trend. Penguin Random House has 13 studios cranking out audiobooks.  Overall, 35,000 audiobook titles were released last year.  

The leader in audiobooks, Amazon's Audible saw membership grow 40% in 2015.


More evidence that the smartphone is a "pocket-sized entertainment center" that continues to alter consumer behavior.  




Steven Goldstein, Amplifi Media

I will be appearing on a terrific panel at the upcoming Morning Show Bootcamp on August 11 in Atlanta.  We will focus on radio's future.  In a separate session, I will be speaking on the development of effective podcast strategies for broadcasters.  


"He's Truth Serum"


The Difference Between a Broadcast and a Podcast - RNC Edition