The Difference Between a Broadcast and a Podcast - RNC Edition

A lot of podcasts blasted out of Cleveland this week, and by the time they were listened to, many were obsolete. Melania Trump's speech plagiarism story developed overnight rendering many podcasts out of sync by morning. There are many more examples including numerous podcasts recorded in the afternoon before the prime time events occurred.

The news cycle moves fast, especially at an event like the RNC.

While many in podcasting see the arc to on-demand content replacing real time broadcast, this week is a reminder that they are different in architecture and consumption.

While there is movement toward live streaming of podcasts, most are still listened to at a time of convenience and so the content must be executed with a time delay in mind.  Predictions about "tonight" are not valuable after the event has occurred.  

There will always be a need for real time "breaking news." It is what radio and TV do so well.  

TV didn't replace movies.  Podcasting won't replace radio.  They are different and consumers know how to use each of them.  

There is room for CNN to cover immediate happenings and 60 Minutes to offer perspective, analysis and a deeper dive. 

Both are great.  Both cover news.  Both are vastly different.

Consumers will choose both.  

But in a fast moving news cycle "Freshness dating" counts. No one reads or listens to yesterday's news.  

Steven Goldstein, Amplifi Media

I will be appearing on a terrific panel at the upcoming Morning Show Bootcamp on August 11 in Atlanta.  We will focus on radio's future.  In a separate session, I will be speaking on the development of effective podcast strategies for broadcasters.  






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