Keynote: Unleashing the Power of Effective Audio Promos

Are your podcast promos repelling audience?

Way too often, the podcast promo is a slapped-together afterthought.

Too often podcast promos are dull, lifeless, and forgettable. That’s too bad because effective cross-promotion has never been more important.

Podcasters pour countless hours into crafting episodes, from writing and recording to editing but the audio promo ends up at #17 on the priority checklist.

As a result far too many audio promos bore, fall flat, fail to engage, don't clearly convey why listeners should choose the podcast, or worse, turn people off.

Look at TV networks and movie studios. They’ve got teams dedicated to mastering cross-promotion ensuring they hit just the right notes.

The podcast promo should not be an afterthought.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

We’ve teamed up with Pierre Bouvard and Lauren Vetrano from Cumulus Media and Allison O’toole from global audio marketing experts System1. We’re unveiling brand new research and seven proven strategies to supercharge your podcast cross-promotion.

Join us for our keynote Thursday morning at Podcast Movement on August 22, 2024, at 9 AM,

See you there!


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